The little guy here is Daniel, Jake and Janelle's son. He loves Dan, the guy he's handing his hat to. In the back there is Janelle. She's great.
This week is pretty busy. It's teacher inservice, so all the teachers from the district are here. It's mad crazy busy. Let's see - since the last update... Monday we had a breakfast with just Unalakleet teachers, so I got to meet everyone, which was cool. We had a session with this guy who was talking about humor in the classroom. It was pretty funny, but some of it was so dumb I was laughing at the guy and the stupid stuff he was making us do. Oh well, we got some stuff out of it. And then I got a dog, and a lot of people called me crazy, but I don't care. She's cute, and pretty, and she's so mild tempered, so mellow. She loves to cuddle and kiss and lay down next to me on the couch. She loves attention. Her name is Star. She's 3 years old - she was abandoned, so I took her. But she was already house trained, so she doesn't poo on my carpet or anything. She loves to take walks and be outside, so I'm trying to spend as much time with her as I can. She's pretty small, but very hairy. We think she has pomeranian mixed with sled dogs, which are just mutts anyhow, so she's a super mutt. But I love her. :)
This is post bath time. She was so dirty! She knows how to sit and lay down, and mostly she'll come if there are no pressing distractions. But as soon as she comes over she expects you to rub her belly, so over she rolls right against you.
Today was a little more eventful, sort of. At least, it's fresh in my mind, so I have more stories to tell. We all had a particular place to go, some for training in the reading programs. I thought as a first year I'd be in that, but no, I was in the unit design station, which meant I just had planning time. I walked into the assigned room and saw no one I knew. I was like, dang. So I sat down kind of by myself. I didn't really know at first what we were supposed to do in there, so I was just like, mmm, I feel dumb. And then, like fairy dust, Janelle walked in. I was like, ahh, sigh of relief. I think I had this really dumb excited look on my face when I saw her. I was like, "Are you in here???" She's like, "Uh, yeah, I think I am." I'm like, "Oh thank God..." We will be teaching the same thing anyhow, so we needed to collaborate anyway, so it was good work time, and good bonding time. There were some super duper obnoxious people in that room. We were both like, are you kidding me? I can't even focus. But we joked, and giggled, and tried to focus, and were basically productive.
BUT, okay. Last night my left ring finger really started to hurt. But I tried to ignore it and just went to sleep. Today it was like, throbbing. It hurt so bad. It looked like there was a blood blister underneath it, and the top section of my finger was all swollen and red and stiff, and it hurt! I was like, what the world is going on here? I mean, you know when you have an owie, and you just can't focus on anything else except for that little pain that won't go away, so not only was I dealing with my ADHD, which I can usually control pretty well, but I had this bizarre owie that would just not leave me alone. Anyway, long story short, Jake looked at it and took a needle to it, opened it up a little, put some hydrogen peroxide and some ointment on it, topped with a band-aid, and lo and behold, it still freaking hurts. I'd go to the clinic if it got worse, but health insurance doesn't start until September 1st, and no, I'm not going to pay to have someone look at my finger. And no it's not gangrene, and no we're not going to amputate it.
So after my rendevous at the Snyder house, got my finger worked on, chatted with Janelle a bit more (which is so easy to do), I decided I wanted a peaceful alone night with my dog and my computer and perhaps a book and maybe even a movie. I saw Adrianna and Katie (my two friends that are actually my age), and we talked for a little while, laughed about today, joked about the apartment building becoming a dorm hall because we can be a little young and obnoxious (woops), and now I am glad to be a little bit antisocial for an evening. :)
Anyway, I have a lot of work to do, which I should really try to do tonight.
I miss you all, good friends. One last picture to close. It's from a while ago. This was my first fishing trip up river with Perry (one of the middle school teachers) and his 2 kids. They live right next door to me. And all 7 of those fish? They're in my freezer. It's great. :) I caught 2 of them, at least...
Talk to you all soon!!
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